Building Mid-Rise and Parking 3D Model

Building Mid-Rise and Parking 3D Model
Download 3D Model of Building Mid-Rise and Parking in max, fbx, obj, blend, c4d, dae, dxf, dwg, stl file formats for 3ds Max, Maya, Blender, Cinema 4D, Unreal Engine, Unity, Lightwave, Softimage, SketchUp, AutoCAD, ZBrush, Poser, Houdini, Daz Studio, Modo and other 3D modeling, animation, game design and VR packages.
Uploaded by Michael Seith into Architecture - Buildings - Houses / Homes 3D Models.
Code: 6491
Uploaded: Mar 2004
Geometry: Polygonal
Polygons: 29744
Vertices: 19146
Objects: 2121
Materials: 10
Textures: 0
UV Mapped: No
Minimum account required: Free with uploads
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  • I had some trouble with this model in Lightwave Modeler 9 - It comes in with MANY levels and I had to consolidate them before it would load into Layout. While I was consolidating, it would crash frequently. Also it seemed to have much more geometry than necessary. The whole interior of the building was full of "walls" that were usesless as far as I could determine. The scale is good, so I used the design as a template and built my own building. The Parking Garage was good - I will use that without much change. (I am an advanced beginner - working on an industrial piece)
  • Barbara Mills (03.01.2011 11:46)